DATE: 8.05.2012
AUTHOR: dernovi
facepalm copy
Archive for the 'facepalm' Category. Copy & paste this:. Powered by the cute and insane VIP.
facepalm - Memebase: Rage Comics, Forever Alone, Y U No Guy, Troll.
ASCII FacePalm
Facepalm News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - GizmodoArchive for the 'facepalm' Category. Copy & paste this:. Powered by the cute and insane VIP. A part of me believes that this is how Jean-Luc Picard's infamous facepalm gesture really slipped into popularity. Coincidentally, that same part of me is currently. Best Answer: ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~, …………..,-~*`lllllllllllllllllllllllllll… ………,-~*lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. All Your Memes Are In Our Base - Forever Alone, Rage. Archive for the 'facepalm' Category. Copy & paste this:
How do you do a facepalm in computer text form? - Yahoo! Answers
facepalm - Funny Facebook Status Messages and Facebook FailsASCII Face Palm. Copy & paste an ASCII Face Palm into a comment, forum, or blog.
facepalm - Very Demotivational - The Demotivational Posters Blog
facepalm - Gifs, Gifs and More Funny Gifs from Senor GifDOUBLE Q FACEPALM he had to duplicate himself to fully express how hard you failed.. Copy & paste this:
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Extreme Facepalm - Memebase: Rage Comics, Forever Alone, Y U No.
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FacePalm Comic | Facebook
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Mega Facepalm | Motivational Pictures